Das ZONTA International Board einigte sich auf einen neuen Slogan
“First of all, I would like to thank you all for the support and positive feedback I have received for the new tagline – Build a Better World for Women and Girls. My vision for this tagline is to use a phrase that everyone can effortlessly understand, and that is easy to translate. Of course, we will continue to empower women and girls through service and advocacy, but with the new tagline, we can elevate ZONTA’s presence and participation in the global conversation on women’s rights to a broader audience and show more visibility.”
Ute Scholz
President 2022-2024
ZONTA International and the ZONTA Foundation for Women
Seit 2014 lautete der Slogan “Empowering Women and Girls Through Service and Advocacy”. Davor hieß er lange “Advancing the Status of Women”.
Das Ergebnís einer Mitglieder-Befragung im August 2021 ergab als allgemeinen Wunsch, die ZONTA-Sichtbarkeit (Visibility) zu stärken, ein zeitgemäßes ZONTA-Bild zu zeigen und Fürsprache für Frauen und Mädchen mit Nachdruck zu betonen.
Build a Better World for Women and Girls als Slogan:
- Ist mit der Mission und Vision ZONTAs übereingestimmt.
- Ist leicht zu merken.
- Drückt aus, dass ZONTA für Frauen und Mädchen arbeitet.
- Betont die Internationalität ZONTAs bereits mit dem Satzbeginn.
- Erklärt Interessierten, was ZONTA möchte.
- Ist für „No-Native-Speakers“ einfach zu verstehen.
- Ist leicht übersetzbar.
In den ersten sechs Monaten des Bienniums 2022–2024 wird das ZONTA Headquarter die neuen Distrikt-, Area- Club- und Länderlogos mit und ohne Slogan bereitstellen. Diese Umstellung wird Zeit benötigen. Zusätzlich werden die neuen Logos in die Brand Identity Guidelines aufgenommen und veröffentlicht.
Distrikte, Areas, Clubs und Länder werden nicht gezwungen, den neuen Slogan sofort zu übernehmen. Selbstverständlich können bereits vorhandene Materialien und Schilder weiterverwendet werden. Sobald jedoch die Materialien verbraucht sind, sollte darauf geachtet werden, dass der neue Slogan benützt wird.
Digitale Materialien (Website, soziale Medien usw.) sollten so früh wie möglich umgestaltet werden.
“Thank you for your support of this change, which we believe better represents ZONTA and will help us increase visibility and recognition of our work to build a better world for women and girls.”
ZONTA International Board
Artikel erstellt und verfasst von
Beatrice Svoboda
The ZONTA International Board agreed on a new slogan
“First of all, I would like to thank you all for the support and positive feedback I have received for the new tagline – Build a Better World for Women and Girls. My vision for this tagline is to use a phrase that everyone can effortlessly understand, and that is easy to translate. Of course, we will continue to empower women and girls through service and advocacy, but with the new tagline, we can elevate ZONTA’s presence and participation in the global conversation on women’s rights to a broader audience and show more visibility.”
Ute Scholz
President 2022-2024
ZONTA International and the ZONTA Foundation for Women
The ZONTA International Board agreed on a new slogan.
Since 2014 the slogan has been “Empowering Women and Girls Through Service and Advocacy”. Before that it was “Advancing the Status of Women”.
The results of a member survey in August 2021 revealed a general desire to increase ZONTA visibility, show a contemporary ZONTA image and emphasize advocacy for women and girls.
Build a Better World for Women and Girls as a slogan:
- Is aligned with ZONTA’s mission and vision.
- Is easy to remember.
- Shows that ZONTA works for women and girls.
- Emphasizes ZONTA’s internationality right from the start of the sentence.
- Explains to “No-ZONTA-Members”, what ZONTA means.
- Is easy to understand for “No-Native-Speakers”.
- Is easily translatable.
During the first six months of the Biennium 2022-2024, Headquarters will provide the new district, area, club, and country logos with and without the slogan. These changes will take time. In addition, the new logos will be included in the Brand Identity Guidelines and published.
Districts, areas, clubs and countries will not be forced to adopt the new slogan immediately. Of course, existing materials and signs can be reused. However, as soon as the materials are used up, care should be taken to ensure that the new slogan is used.
Digital materials (website, social media, etc.) should be redesigned as early as possible.
“Thank you for your support of this change, which we believe better represents ZONTA and will help us increase visibility and recognition of our work to build a better world for women and girls.”
ZONTA International Board
Article written by
Beatrice Svoboda